Wednesday 17 July 2013

Windows Xp User Upgrade, Facing Hacking Attack

Windows xp , The great achievement of microsoft in history. Windows xp is the world most popualr operating system when it launched after the windows 98. It  has more security, auto insatll usb drivers, great look. fast loading , well looking etc. Windows xp is the milestone forever in microsoft history due to iys more and more popularity

windows xp

But recently it face many challenges like huge virus,upgrade like vista,windows 7 , and then windows 8.
microsoft want to replace windows xp with new version as mention above. but it fails every times because windows xp has more flexible and riable as compare to new version.

So,finally Microsoft decided a mind game to replace windows xp 100% in the market. Microsoft had proclaimed that it's attending to stop support services to 'Windows XP' OS from April 8 next year and in line with computer network authorities watching the Indian web systems, This decision directly effected to all those user who still using a windows xp Os.

On april 2014 microsoft stop to provide the security updates or non-security hotfixes, paid added support as well as free support by the microsoft. In the absense of security and patches upadtes for the Microsoft windows xp Os, The Pc system will be at highly risk of cyber attack, and easily compromised with attackers due to absense or latest security updates which will be stop coming next year.

According to indain survey many insitute and cycber cafe or home user still using a microsoft windows xp operating system. even in government sector also using a winodws xp os.

Due to highly uses of Xp OS, It comprimises the security by the attacker in the absense of latest patches and security.

Microsoft had launced  Windows XP OS in August 2001. the present latest version of Windows XP is Windows XP Service Pack 3.

It is highly recommended by the cyber security Xp's user upgrade Os as soon as possible before next year to protect it by the security cyber attacker. If the security patches fail to install then it will create a loop hole to cyber attackers.

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