Saturday 10 August 2013

whatsapp add new feature 2013 [ voice message ]

whatsapp voice message

World popular smartphone messaging Apps WhatsaApp add a new features for sending a voice messages. Like  Line and WeChat to communicate with each other

The whatsApp developed by the Mountain View at California-based and regularly try to update new features to increase the its popularity that fight with other smartphone messaging service like Line Wechat etc.

Also See    :  New features

The process of sending a voice message in WhatsApp is similar to like Wechat , That is very popular in china region and expand its over market and domestic area.

The WhatsApp users already able to record a voice message (note) nad send it as a message process , but the latest voice messaging features helps to directly send a voice message to all the other friends

For enabling the new additional voice message on your smartphone you have to first update the WhatsApp messenger from the Google play store, After updating it , You will able to end a voice message directly to other user.

Whatsapp saini on first week of August , 2013 . It had more than 250 million monthly active user.

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