Thursday 12 September 2013

How to get Yahoo Bing Adsense Account Approved

The yahoo , Bing  network contextual Ads which is provided by is same like Google adsense which is very popular and best after google adsense now a days. Its paying a money or revenue while you placing a ads on your websites . It is the awesome service for a good earning . In this post i will teach you how to Approved  or apply a Yahoo or Bing Adsense service correctly and efficently .By using this tricks you will get a approved contextual Ads account.

Remember before applying Ads service

There are several requirement which is compulsory for new application before applying it.

Copyright content

If your websites or a blog having a content copied from other websites then Media .net will immediately reject your from . Remember you should have unique content else both Bing and yahoo reject it.

Traffic source majority

This program generally wants a  majority of traffic from Uk/Us/Canada because maximum ads are related to such countries. This is not good but it is the rule as per Yahoo or Bing service.

English language should be compulsory

Your website's primary language should be in English as per rule . If your website's content is written in Hindi or french language then you are not able to use this service.In short English must be compulsory.

To many Ads service

If your websites using a excessive Ads service or having a lot of a Ads then you might be suffer from this service . Before applying use little bit Ads service for approving it.

Hacking,cracking,software piracy illegal activity

Like Google Adsense. Yahoo and Bing also not tolerate such kind of websites or blog which providng a illegal activity services.

Free Hosting service Domain

If your blog is hosted with free domain like wordpress (  or Google blogger ( services also allow and you will able to serve this Ads service.

Content policy

There are certain policy of that network which avoid some websites if they are using a such content as below.

  • Adult, Pornographic or any illegal content
  • Alcohol, Tobacco, ammunition, hazardous substances etc.
  • Sale of prescription drugs widely.
  •  Racial intolerance,Hate, violence,or against any individual, group, or a organization

It is quite difficult to get Bing or Yahoo Ads service like Google Adsense because they introduced new unique policy for publishers . If you will follow up above steps carefully i m sure publisher account approved .

NOTE: It may take atleast 2 weeks for accepting a request a application due to huge submission .

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Top 5 Data Recovery Software

data recovery software
Accidentally deleted data from hard disk or removal drive has a serious problem , Some times it's happened unwanted virus that force to Re-format a drive that cause a headache problem of accidentally data deletion, But there are a lot of tools of data recovery that recover your accidentally deleted data form a physical, Often we found such software can't work properly to recover a data , but i m sharing you to recover a data almost from a drives, These tools helps to allow recover a data even you re-partition a disk drive, These tools recover a data more than 90% from drive accurately and in healthy format.

Top 5 Data Recovery Software

These top 5 data recovery software tools helps to recover your almost data that deleted accidentally.

1.Get Data Back

  1. Get Data Back  support both  FAT and NTFS  file systems
  2. It simple and easy to use.
  3. It help you to get your data back, even if your drive’s partition table, boot record, FAT,NTFS, root directory is corrupt or lost 
  4. GetDataBack  recover your data when the drive is no longer recognized by the O.S or all directory information is lost
  5. Supported both 32/64 bit operating system
  6. Capable to Recover almost all data , like mp3,files,videos,data,iso,exe, even complete folder etc.

2. File scavenger

File scavenger

  1. Capable  to recover permanent deleted data from hard disk
  2. It has a preview mode tools that helps to use preview images before recovery of images or pictures.
  3. Capable to recover complete drive partition .
  4. Available in both format 32/64 bit
  5. Available in portable mode

3.Pandora Recovery

Pandora Recovery

  1. Capable to recover deleted files
  2. preview mode before recovery a images or pictures
  3. capable for windows 7 or 8
  4. Portable version 
  5. Helpful wizard option available also.
  6. Supported re-partition drives to recover a data.

4.Free Undelete

free undelete data recovery

  1. Supported NTFS and FAT file system
  2. Recover complete drive
  3. Available in both portable and application version.
  4. Easy to use 

Avira UnErase personal

Avira UnErase personal

  1. Supported Both NTFS and FAT file system
  2. Developed by Avira corporation.
  3. It helps to recover dynamic disk , software files, videos etc.
  4. It take less memory to consume.
  5. Easy to use and understand
  6. Old but still very helpful to recover a data.


All above software capable to recover your deleted data accidentally , I suggest first and second from the above list  to use a use a data recovery , If you face any difficulty please post a comment .